
Demonstrates how suggestions to Management of the SEC depot were made by tram employees and has a strong association with the tram crews.

Physical description

Sign - made from sheet metal, folded and welded to provide a suggestion box for the Ballarat Tram Depot. Has the word "Suggestions" in large Red capital letters, a large tray or box for receiving the suggestions (not too sure how you got them out without undoing the sign and shaking the items - if any - out) and an area for an instruction to be displayed. Painted both sides in a cream colour (SEC tramway cream).

Has two screw holes in the top corners.

See Reg 3769 for a booklet on the SEC suggestions Scheme/

Inscriptions & markings

Has pencil marked on the top horizontal white line "369375 2 ? and 309981 1 ? 18th Oct"