Historical information

Digital image of a group of tramway workers (drivers, conductors) involved in a stop work meeting, The Argus, April 1954, (note no dash canopy lighting or reflector triangles on tram 32) or "out on the grass", opposite the tram depot. Has tram 32 in the background. See April 2024 issue of Fares Please! for the background story over an unfair dismissal of a trainee tram driver.
Image 1 - digital image of a photograph held by Glenise Kellett
image 2 - detail image of the rear of the photograph
image 3 - names added from discussions with Glenise Kellett and item 7139. Image compiled by Warren Doubleday 20/11/2018.
See Reg Item 1655 for a newspaper report using this photograph.


Yields information about the Ballarat Trammies, late 1950's or early 1960 stop work meeting held opposite the tram depot and the workers who took part.

Physical description

Digital image of a Black and White photograph.

Inscriptions & markings

On the photograph rear in ink "Ballarat Tram Depot, Wendouree Parade West of Forest St Tram 32" and on the lower edge "1950's, only time tram employees held a strike meeting - approx. 1 hour."