
Yields information about the condition of the collision between the scrubber tram and No. 26 in Wendouree Parade and the parties involved during Feb and Mar. 1936.

Physical description

Set of two cuttings and text extracts of the reports of the collision between the Ballarat scrubber and tram No. 26 on Wed 5 Feb, 1936. Both extracts and texts down loaded from the National Library Trove Website.

.1 - report in the Melbourne Herald, reporting on the inquest into the death of nurse Elizabeth Clarke - titled "Ballarat Trams in Fatal Collision - no warning bell heard says woman passenger", giving details of the accidents, statements of witness Lilian Oliver, Alfred Forte (SEC track assistant), Albert Mawby traffic superintendent, quizzed by Constable Shields re track brakes, Frederick Thompson (Driver of 26). Drivers represented by Mr. Dooley.

.2 - report in The Argus 6-2-1936 about the accident - "Woman Critically Injured - accident in Ballarat - Drivers jump for lives", reporting on the event, giving names of those involved, injuries, including the name of the scrubber driver John Tucker, and another passenger Miss Walsh.