Photograph - B&W print of donated negative - set of 5, Graham Parry, 1971


Yields information about the City Loop and tram operations in Sturt St, 1971

Physical description

Set of five black and white prints and associated negatives of trams in Ballarat during 1971 prior to closure of the system by Graham Parry. All images from the scanned negative.

.1 - No. 43 and possibly 31 in the City Loop. Has various buildings in the background.

.2 - No. 34 at the Sturt and Lydiard Sts tram stop. Has the National Mutual Building in the background, which has a CML (Colonial Mutual Life) sign on it.

.3 - No.35 at the north side tram stop. Has a Briquettes roof advert. Tram has the destination of Lydiard St North.

.4 - View looking from the top of the hill at the City Loop with 43 and other cars in the loop. Has the Dickens Food Store and Patersons in the view along with other buildings.

.5 - as for .4, but from the south side footpath with trams 43, 31, 26 and another in the loop. All have SEC roof adverts.

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