
Yields information about the view of The Courier, and locals about the mooted closure of the tramway system and reporting on the proposal, an AETA visit and lunch hour services.

Physical description

Foolscap sheet of plain paper, with rounded corners, with 7 newspaper cuttings, concerning the mooted closure of the Ballarat Tram system April and May 1962. All from The Courier, unless noted otherwise.

1 - "Tramway renewals would cost 2.5m" - 18-4-62 - quote from Leader in the Legislative Council the previous day, Mr. Chandler, to upgrade tracks and trams in both Ballarat and Bendigo.

2 - "Old Trams" - The Age - 13/4/62 - about the proposed replacement of trams and their services

3 - "Coming Events" - 19-4-62 - reporting on item 1, six month delay as the motion has not been tabled - use them or loose them attitude.

4 - "Their Hobby is Electric Traction" - 23-4-62 - about the visit of about 84 members of the AETA to Ballarat, visiting Ballarat and Bendigo, 2nd hand trams, met by Mr. Denmead

5 - "Tram Services" - letter 4-5-62 - trams not departing on time at Lunch hour and other issues

6 - "Tram Times" - 5-562 - by R. Courtney local Secretary of the Union, about the lunch hour services - delayed by inspectors to assist the public

7 - "Tram Times" - 8-5-62 - concerning the lunch hour one minute delay and has not be late back to work.