
Yields information about the passenger traffic in Ballarat during Feb. 1962, Yields information about the passenger traffic in Ballarat during Feb. 1962

Physical description

Memorandum and Report to the Engineer & Manager from the Ballarat Manager - all with rounded corners.

.1 - Memorandum dated 16/3/1962 forwarded detailed traffic figures referred to in a letter of 5/3/1962

.2 - detailed analysis of average passengers per trip including scholars for each route by hour - was dated Feb. 1962, but has been crossed out.

.3 - Passenger density and direction per hour for each route - Saturday - was dated Feb. 1962 - but has been crossed out and August 1963 written in.

.4 - as for .3 - for Sundays.

See Reg Item 7931 for similar reports and 8030 for another version.