
Yields information about the reallocation of trams between Ballarat and Bendigo and scrapping of trams., Yields information about the reallocation of trams between Ballarat and Bendigo and scrapping of trams.

Physical description

Memorandum on Electricity Supply Department letterhead, foolscap paper typed, from Engineer and Manager (Melbourne) to Manager Ballarat Branch, dated 12/8/1960, advising of the proposed rolling stock re allocation between Bendigo and Ballarat.

Scrapping of Bendigo 15, 12, 13 and 16.

Transfer one Maximum Traction bogie tram to Ballarat and two single truckers to Bendigo. Gives the revised establishment - Ballarat - 10 bogies, 15 single truckers and Bendigo - bogies 10, five single truckers, 4 Birneys.

Inscriptions & markings

"Copy for "Depot Foreman" type in using red ink.