Physical description

.1 - Timetable - 92 page + cover with fold out map, centre stapled. Printed at the time of the introduction of new rolling stock and faster services, both Intercity and Regional. Dated Spring 1981.

Shows train services to Ballarat at the time and for the VicRail. Relevant pages including fares and a map have been scanned.

.2 - "Fares" - 16 page centre stapled book providing fare information - dated 4/10/1981.

.3 - Pocket Timetable - Melbourne Ballarat 22/8/1993

.4 - ditto 16/10/1994 - both .3 and .4 advertise Sorbothan insoles for shoes.

See Reg Items 6824, 8116, 8117 and for 1998, 1957, 1981,1993 and 1994 and 2021 respectively.