Historical information

Colour slide of four legatees loading toys onto a truck. They may have been collecting toys from a school. The truck could have been owned by one of the legatees and used for the collection. The sign on the side says 'Tendercut. The best meat you can buy'.
The toys were part of an arrangement with the Department of Education. Schools would produce the toys, often in wood work classes and they were donated to Legacy and Carry On. The toys were given to Junior Legatees at the Government House Christmas Party. Excess toys were passed to a dozen additional charities. The scheme started in 1949 and by 1962 over 8,200 toys were donated, from 201 schools. The total to that date was over 72,500 toys. It appears to be 1963 as there was space for the tally to be completed.
Was with many other slides taken in the 1950s and 1960s. The slides have been photographed to make digital images and moved to archive quality sleeves. In many cases the original images were not well focussed and the digital image is the best available.


A record of toys being made and donated to Legacy in the 1960s.

Physical description

Colour slide of four legatees loading toys into a truck with 'Tendercut' painted on the side, in a white plastic mount and grey mount on the reverse.
