Historical information

A speech and slideshow given by Councillor Joseph Haweil to a Legacy Comradeship Luncheon on 27 June 2023. Cr Haweil is Mayor of Hume City and a member of the Assyrian community in Melbourne. He spoke about the actions of Stanley Savige during World War 1 that lead to him saving over 50,000 Assyrian refugees in Persia.
After the speech he presented President Kerry Jenke with a portrait of Stan Savige by Mr Furat Yosip (item 03004).


The speech shows the bravery of Stan Savige and that the Assyrian Community are grateful for the life of Stan Savige.

Physical description

Printout x 9 pages of a speech by Councillor Joseph Haweil, Mayor of Hume on 27 June 2023.