Historical information
1995 Musical production at Bialik College. Performed at St Martins Youth Arts Centre, South Yarra 11 to 14 September.
Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the place now called Victoria, and all First Peoples living and working on this land. We celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world’s oldest living culture and pay respect to Elders — past, present and future.
Please be aware that this website may contain culturally sensitive material — images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons. Content also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain culturally sensitive material — images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons. Content also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow.
Some material may contain terms that reflect authors’ views, or those of the period in which the item was written or recorded but may not be considered appropriate today. These views are not necessarily the views of Victorian Collections.
Users of this site should be aware that in many areas of Australia, reproduction of the names and photographs of deceased people is restricted during a period of mourning. The length of this time varies and is determined by the community.
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1995 Musical production at Bialik College. Performed at St Martins Youth Arts Centre, South Yarra 11 to 14 September.
Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.
Created in 2010 to show highlights from a Prep day at Bialik.
A Day in the Life of Prep at Bialik Created by Prep N 2010
primary school, bialik college, education, 2010s
Student participation in races for the Victorian Primary State Swimming Championships
Bialik College Victorian Primary State Swimming Championships 2010
swimming, sport, bialik, college, primary school
The canteen (tuckahoe) on Auburn Road experienced a change of hands in 1995, shifting from the care of Mrs Dunne to Spotlight Catering. A new canteen was established in 2011.
food, catering, school, bialik, jewish life
Printed in colour in 2015, digitised in 2023 for reunion scheduled in 2025
school photograph, class photograph, photograph, bialik, secondary college, 2000s, 2010s
Printed in 2016, digitised in 2023 for school reunion scheduled in 2025.
school photograph, class photographs, bialik, secondary college, 2000s, 2010s
Printed in colour 2017, digitised in 2023 for scheduled reunion in 2025.
photographs, secondary college, bialik, 2000s, 2010
Printed in 2019, digitised in 2023 for the 2020 graduating class reunion scheduled for 2025
class photograph, year 10, bialik, secondary college
Taken as part of the year 2019 school photographs. Digitised as part of the 2020 reunion, scheduled for 2025.
bialik, secondary college, photograph, class photograph
Class photographs, colour
Four page booklet, published in school colours, high gloss paper, containing Shabbat prayers.
Created byArthur Reed Photos for Bialik College, showing the class and staff group photographs for 2023.
Bialik College, School Photography 2023
photograph, staff, students, 2023, 2020s
c1990s education programs as run at Bialik at primary school grade levels. For access or queries contact [email protected]
education, bialik, students, classroom
Evan Evans Flag and Banners, Made in Australia
Outdoors and sporting events younger and upper school levels.
G Burman 1985; Lynne; July 1985 Dec 1986
1980s, outdoors, camp, sport, sports carnival, students, bialik
Photographs and negatives from various Bialik School Activities from 1994 to 1999
Various. Date, people, location, event. 1994-1995 loose photographs of student events;1997, Ron Roston? QC at Ethics Presentation, Aborigines and Year 5, Model Seder (negatives only); 1997 packet 2 model Seder (negatives only); Feb 1997: Pinch family, 3 generations at Bialik (photographs) and instrumental music program orientation evening (negatives only); July 1997 Regio envelop Planning Meeting, Tapestry in Progress July 1997, Karen Morrison interview with S Meyer and D Kagn? (negatives only); October 1997 Years 4-6 Play rehearsals, Ethics program EMLC (negatives only); October 1997, packet 2, Year 6 debating, Years 4-6 play rehersal, Year 7 English (negatives only); April 1998 Building site 3 April 1998, French Breakfast, 3D with Year 12, Police Breathalyser Year 11, Healesville Sanctuary Excursion (negatives only), nd: Japanese exchange students, Alumni Rabbit visits school, Year 6 Business Studies Unit (negatives only); Term 1 1998 Publicity Music Department (photographs and negatives); Music Photos 1999 (photographs only)
football, music, exchange students, generations, alumni, seder, regio emelio, 1997 tapestry, ethics, english, performance art
Year book for years 2 to 5, from 2011, 2012, 2013
student, primary school, staff, education
early learning centre, kindergarten, students, year book
Posters that were created for the Bialik 75 Years of Learning Exhibition.
Quotes from former students and teachers plus contextual details.
students, judaism, exhibition materials, staff
Meeting with the President of Israel Mr Hertzog 1986. Students presented him with a peace scroll which they had made. Artwork by John K (art Teacher) Calligraphy by Jan Marshall (Librarian). A copy of this image also appeared in the Australian Jewish News 21 November 1986.
Black and white 4x6 photograph
Audio and visual tracks created in relation to course work and presentations for Bialik College students
music, performing arts, presentation, staff, students, jewish life
Includes student artwork, sport, travel, incursion, excursion, Purim (1999) (nd).
Developer's marks
creative arts, excursion, incursion, community, purim, jewish life, 1990s, 2000s, 2020s
musical, performance, performing arts, bialik college
musical, performance, performing arts, bialik college
student work, music, performing arts, bialik college
student work, music, performing arts, bialik college
visual and performing arts, performance, school
visual and performing arts, performance, school
bnei mitzvah, 2000s, visual and performing arts, music, jewish life
bnei mitzvah, 2000s, visual and performing arts, music, jewish life
purim, grade 3, teacher, bialik college
purim, grade 3, teacher, bialik college
3 cd-rom labeled Yom Ha'atzmaut 2000s
yom ha'atzmaut, judiasm, bialik college, jewish life
yom ha'atzmaut, judiasm, bialik college, jewish life
No further details available
Bronze plaque
Donated to Bialik College by the Parents Association in Memory of Frank Gunn
memory, commemoration, bialik college
Victorian Collections acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.