Historical information

Standard Army issue used in Vietnam to protect medical items from wet. Soldiers also often stored other things they valued, like letters and photographs, in them to keep them dry.

Physical description

A green plastic bag with the name and list of items and instructions in yellow. A brown shoe lace tie at the top of the bag. A plastic pouch with partitions for various items goes inside the green sleeve. The contents of the pouches are: 4 x Sanax Phthalyl Sulphatiazole tablets for dysentery, 2 x Sanaz Compound Codeine tablets for pain, 2 x Sanax detergent impregnated cloth, 2 x gauze bandage (3" by 6yd), 1 x Sanax absorbent cotton, 1 x Instructions for Savlon Antiseptic cream, 2 x triangular bandages all things commonly used for general first aid.

Inscriptions & markings

D (broad arrow) D 524/65 Outfit First Aid/ General Purpose D (broad arrow) D
Made by Sanax Pty Ltd, 223 Bay Rd, Sandringham, Victoria
524/65 Out At First Aid General Purpose
