Historical information

Map provided information about Melbourne's tramway network in 1952. At base of map - timetable of all night trams and bus services. On rear index to routes, 1st and last services, time of Sunday am services, Latrobe St. services and photo of Wattle Park. The conversion of Bourke St to electric trams marked up.
Copy 1 - has been marked for hypothetical extensions in blue pencil mainly in the northern and western suburbs. In particular note the Ballarat Road and South Road markings.
Copy 2 - has been marked up for newer route numbers, following the opening of the Bourke St services and additional route numbers on the Essendon Depot lines.


Demonstrates the provision of information about Melbourne tram services.

Physical description

Fold out map (10 sections - 2 high x 5 wide), coloured of Melbourne's Tram and Bus routes, route numbers, rail lines, municipalities boundaries and location of major places of interest.