Physical description

Printed book. 178 pages.

Publication type



Publication details: Bacchus Marsh: A Pictorial Chronicle, by Gwyn Moore and Jean Oomes. Published by Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society, Bacchus Marsh, Vic, 1986. SUMMARY: Black and white photographs and illustrations of places, buildings and people of the town of Bacchus Marsh and surrounding district. The book is divided into five chapters; 'The First Thirty Years' 1836-1866, 'Consolidation, 1866-1896', 'Progress, 1896-1926', 'Changes of Fortune, 1926-1956', 'The Valley of the Future, 1956-1986'. An index is provided to assist in identifying places, subjects and people. Most of the images were produced by local people, or in the case of early images by visiting photographers and artists. Copies of the majority of images are held by the Bacchus Marsh and District Historical Society. Some images have been acquired from the State Library of Victoria. Detailed captions accompany most images providing a wealth of historical and biographical detail.