Historical information

The Brighton - St Kilda Bus lines could issue tickets, as an agent, from St Kilda Railway Station to Melbourne on behalf of the Victorian Railways. These dated tickets represent a sample of these. A group of tickets would be issued to each driver for the day who would issue them in order from his ticket tray or kit. The bus driver did not have a means of canceling a ticket with a date stamping machine.
1 - St Kilda to Melbourne - pink - 20 September 1968 - No. 0270
2 - St Kilda to Melbourne - pink - 14 November 1968 - No. 0540
3 - St Kilda to Melbourne - return - special day return - 11 August 1968 - No. 0034
4 - St Kilda to Melbourne - return - 14 January 1969 - No 0375


Demonstrates a railway ticketting system that was used on buses and railways

Physical description

Set of 4 Edmondson style railway tickets with printed dates of issue.