Physical description

The book original cover is dark green that has been wrapped in brown canvas to protect it. It has a leather spine with red and black labels. The pages in the volume are divided in columns: 1) Number of application, 2) Date of registry, 3) Date of application, 4) Surname, 5) Christian name and address, 6) Parish, 7) Allotment, 8) Section, 9) rea, 10) Local land board schedule, 11) Decision, 12) Special condition, 13) License, 14) References and remarks. The dates of the applications are from 30th August, 1874 to 26th April, 1876.

Inscriptions & markings

On the front canvas cover: sec 173/174 3420. On the spine red label with gold letters: Application register. A black label with gold letters: all other sections land act 1901 (some of the letters are damaged)