Historical information

Louise Paramor says, “I just love colour and playing around with it, it makes me feel good. I get a kick out of harmonising colour in conjunction with form. I think if there was more finely tuned colour in the world it would be a better place. There exists a lot of untamed colour in the everyday and to me this is often creates a feeling that is the opposite of uplifting.”

In this work, Paramor creates a utopian building from collaged pieces of paper, which have been painted in planes of coloured enamel. Often these collages become sculptures, for which Paramor is mainly known. Andy Gomez writes of Boomtown, “Louise Paramor invites us into her own fabricated domain, where colours are coherent and vivid, buildings are unique and non-conformist, where public sculpture exists for the sake of form, colour, line, and levity. There is an inherent optimism at work here, exalting the accomplishments and ingenuity of the urban sprawl and the enforced participation of a shared culture and experience that offers.”