Historical information

1. John Knox Abbey (1863 - 27/7/1938) was originally a landowner in Rochester. He married Ethel May Winch in 1897 and their children were all born in Rochester. Sometime after 1918 he inherited the "Cluny" estate in Penola, SA., from his uncle William MacPherson. He died and was buried in a private graveyard on this property.
2. Also mentioned in the estate papers is G. (Gertrude) Alice Jones. Miss Jones was one of the first females to be admitted to the bar (1912) and was the first female to appear before the court in Bendigo. Her father was local solicitor F.D.Jones

Physical description

Legal journal - green linen covers with red material binding, poor condition, stapled spine. Handwritten notes on assets and amounts in black and red ink. Contains listings of the assets of John Knox Abbey dec'd. Date of death unknown, Probate issued 30/09/1938 for estate of £8719 4s 5d. Inserted legal notes and calculations. First page entry details Executrices/ Trustees of John Knox Abbey as Ethel M Abbey "Clurry" Penola South Australia, and G. Alice Jones 135 Myrtle Street Bendigo Vic.