Physical description
Bound Book
Inscriptions & markings
100th anniversary of the Royal Military College Duntroon
We acknowledge the Traditional Owners of the place now called Victoria, and all First Peoples living and working on this land. We celebrate the history and contemporary creativity of the world’s oldest living culture and pay respect to Elders — past, present and future.
Please be aware that this website may contain culturally sensitive material — images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons. Content also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are advised that this website may contain culturally sensitive material — images, voices and information provided by now deceased persons. Content also may include images and film of places that may cause sorrow.
Some material may contain terms that reflect authors’ views, or those of the period in which the item was written or recorded but may not be considered appropriate today. These views are not necessarily the views of Victorian Collections.
Users of this site should be aware that in many areas of Australia, reproduction of the names and photographs of deceased people is restricted during a period of mourning. The length of this time varies and is determined by the community.
Reuse of any Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander material on this site may require cultural clearances. Users are advised to contact the source organisation to discuss appropriate reuse.
Bound Book
100th anniversary of the Royal Military College Duntroon
Black vinyl bound visitors book
Inside label noting occasion of the books use.
Metal ammunition tin
SHELL. ?? FUSED WT AI PROSPRIOUS (Badly worn) Inside label mention of ‘naval’.
Metal ammunition tin.
27349. 303BDR. H?%. MK&. SV140. HE*CO? S6. 303 MK7. Govt Explosives 6 WD 51X
Rusted metal ammunition tin
B167. 1 BLSP. 1942
Metal ammunition tin with rust
None visiable
Japanese flag mounted on wooden display board
Card attached giving history of object.
Rectangular Union Jack flag
GR 'V'
Black and gold coloured acrylic scarf
Gallipoli Giggers Centnury 1915-2015. They shall not grow old. Lest we forget.
Small metal members badge for the Australia Imperial League
Australia Imperial League. 44. Returned Sailors and Soldiers.
Small metal RSL Service Members badge
Returned Services League. service member. Property of R.S.L. 87. Swan and Hudson
Small metal members badge with clasp
Imperial Australia League. returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen. Worn inscription on rear
Small members metal badge for Australia Imperial League
Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airmen. Imperial Australia League. V33503. Badge ? Rupert ?
Set of 5 cloth badges. 2 olive crowns and 3 blue British Commonwealth Forces.
British Commonwealth Forces
Set of 4 cloth crown badges. 3 olive green and 1 red
Set of 3 Australia curved badges for uniform lapels
Small gold coloured buttons
Australian military Forces
Heavy fuse for artillery shell. Believed to be Turkish
Arabic numerals and letters on item
Blue canvas kit bag found with tag ' belonging to Bill Hudgson'. White printed label. Brass ilets, round top opening, sling bag.
RAAF 116638
Army leather gun case with strap, buckle and leather carry handle. 2 brass loops for carry strap
Olive green pants with braces
Olive green army issue battledress jacket
1950. made in Australia. Caledonian House Pty Ltd
Heavy Australian Army trench coat with silver buttons
Tempalton (?) 3/643(?) on label.1957 Size 7
Olive green colour Australian army trench coat with gold colored buttons.
1953 on inside label
88 page cardboard covered instruction manual for the Australian Army Catering Corps. Lists reciepes, instructions, care of food, cleaning, etc.
Australian Military Forces. A.A.C.C. Handbook No.2
Rules and regulations Booklet 1972 of the Totally and Permanently Disabled Soldiers Association
replica 1919 RSL badge on descriptive card
Oceanic Life Limited
2 pages listing daily rations for Australian Militia and weekly totals
Sothern command area. Authority AHQ. Memo 30281 of 20 Aug 1947. (Hand written -Capt. Crawford)
Wood swagger stick bound in leather.
Victorian Collections acknowledges the Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the first inhabitants of the nation and the traditional custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.