Historical information

The Sydenham gardens were set up in 1854 to provide an area of relaxation for diggers. A German, Mr Kraemer, made extensive plantings of ornamentals and fruit trees. The area expanded to 11 acres in 1865 and 25 acres in 1916. T O Hunter owned the gardens from about 1896 and initially it was used for many types of entertainment including, picnics, festivals and sporting events. It was situated off Holdsworth Road in what is now Jackass Flat.
T O Hunter was a cordial manufacturer in Macrae Street, who was prominent in many sporting areas. He was President of the Bendigo Coursing Association and raced both dogs and horses. By the time he sold the gardens in 1936 to Mr Muir, he was using the gardens as grazing for his horses.

Physical description

Photograph: aerial view of Sydenham Gardens Estate
Circa 1972 , as noted on photo
Colour photo, A5 size