Physical description

Colour photographs, seventeen images on nine page. Images labelled as follows : 1. North New Moon shaft - natural discharge point of Garden Gullly line 2. Actual exit to surface from beneath mullock at North New Moon shaft. 3. Looking into Deadhorse Gully from mullock heap at North New Moon site. 4. Deadhorse Gully downstream of WMC Weir. 5. Sydney Creek track crossing - impassable ford. 6. Sydney Creek looking downstream from ford. 7. Sydney Creek looking upstream from road near Recreation Reserve (12 inch pipe under road). 8. Sydney Creek looking downstream from same point. 9. Sydney Creek - Camp Road, looking upstream.. 10. Sydney Creek - Camp Road, looking downstream. 11. Sydney Creek - Camp Road Culverts. 12. Sydney Creek - Pyramid Road Bridge, looking upstream. 13. Sydney Creek - Pyramid Road Crossing looking downsteam. 14. Sydney Creek - rail crossing, looking upstream. 15. Sydney Creek - rail crossing, looking downstream. 16. Sydney Creek - Airstrip road, looking upstream. 17. Sydney Creek - Airstrip Road, looking downstream 12 inch pipe under road.

Inscriptions & markings

Lined paper, in blue pen 'Deadhorse Gully-Sydney Flat Creek, March 1986, Photos of Deadhorse Gully/Sydney Flat Creek'