Poster - Poster, Information Board

Physical description

A yellow board with black texts in two paragraphs about 5RAR's Mascot

Inscriptions & markings

5RAR was raised on the 1st March 1965 and it was decreed that its colours would be black and gold. Due to this decree, the tiger was adopted as the unit mascot partly because it's traits included aggressiveness, courage, stealth and team work, all of which were desireable qualities for an infantry battalion.

Prior to the battalion completing it's first tour in May 1967, MAJ John Miller of the advance party had arranged with the Director of the Taronga Park Zoo for a Sumatran tiger cub to be known as Quintus, to meet the battalion when arrived at Garden Island on board the HMAS Sydney 12th May 1967. The cub was enlisted on the day (regimental numer TF005) then marched with the battalion through the streets of Sydney. the current battalion mascot is a Bengal Tiger named Quintus Rama enlisted 27th Sept 2012.

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