Physical description
Dong Bao Da Dung Quoc Lo 15 De Di Lai buon Ban - You Have Used Route 15 To go back and Forth to Trade. Sketch of a bridge being blown up warning that this will happen because it has been used to ED trading.
Dong Bao Da Dung Quoc Lo 15 De Di Lai buon Ban - You Have Used Route 15 To go back and Forth to Trade. Sketch of a bridge being blown up warning that this will happen because it has been used to ED trading.
CAN VINH VIET CONG CHU Y. - Viet Cong Soldiers - Pay Attention. You have only just evidenced part of the destruction and death that is waiting for you. The powerful air forces of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces and our allies will wipe you out, your friends, and your bases. You only have one hope to remain alive - that is to rally immediately to the righteous side. You probably can't even imagine the destruction of the bombing that will continue to increase endlessly until you are completely wiped out. You can save yourself and your comrades... Rally to the righteous and just side immediately. On the reverse is a dead NVA/VC soldier with jets overhead.
Psychological Warfare Pamphlet to say that the powerful Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces will destroy you. Picture of dead soldier and planes on the back.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, terry michael collie, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, 2790361
We stock all goods you need. We receive laundry here and make your clothes steam. We supply ice. We clean you to shop here. 3rd Stall From the Market
Recovered from an abandoned bunker system
business card, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, nva/vietcong, phuoc tuy, the market, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
Very old page from an exercise book in very neat manuscript with writing on both sides. The text describes in general terms, the System of Tides, i.e. as affected by the moon (diagrams etc.) No mention of Vietnam, rather of the Gulf Stream and the Atlantic Ocean - probably copied from a Vietnamese text book.. But not of Vietnam rather The Gulf Stream and Atlantic Ocean
Recovered from an abandoned bunker system
page from exercise book, system of tides, propaganda, nva/vc, psycological warfare, nva/vietcong, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
A paper label Foremost Condensed Milk Can Label with information in French and Vietnamese. Written on the back is a letter to Dear Mother and Father, please remember to send your son a .....(illegible - possibly a scarf?) in Vietnamese
Recovered from an abandoned bunker system
letter, letter written on label, propaganda, psycological warfare, nva/vc, condensed milk can label, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
A letter from the Vietnamese Prime Minister is a general call for NVA/VC CADRE and Soldiers on the Other Side of Battle Lines. The manuscript letter - including the reverse, are a general appeal to NVA/VC troops to rally - signed by Prime Minister Nguyen Van Loc (a lawyer). The test appeals for a Xuan Doan Tu - a family reunion at Tet (New Year) Mau Than 1968. (Loc served as Prime Minister from 31 October 1967 to 17 May 1968 - following the Fall of Vietnam, he attempted to flee - and achieved such in his 14th attempt in May 1983) With Photograph of Prime Minister and Floral Picture.
Recovered from an abandoned bunker system
vietnamese prime minister, letter, propaganda, psycological warfare, nva/vc, prime minister nguyen van loc, tet mau than, fall of vietnam, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
Half page promotional pamphlet for the Quan-Y-Sanh Pharmacy in Cho Lon - with text in Chinese. Torn on bottom
Recovered from an abandoned bunker system
pamphlets, chemist, propaganda, nva/vc, psycological warfare, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
Ill/Dead VC - Patient in a Bed The Viet Cong Will only bring you only illness and death. The choice is up to you. Decide immediately to avoid such illness and death. The National Government has doctors, hospitals, and medicines ready for you when you rally.
Psychological Warfare to say that Viet Cong will only bring you illness and death and you will die. Picture of person standing with hands behind their head and also a patient in bed. Reverse - writing.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, national government, terry michael collie, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, 2790361
From the 30th to the 1st day of Tet (Lunar New Year), the VC have shamelessly violated the truce that they themselves proposed. The have attacked a number of town in Central Vietnam and in the Highlands. On the nights of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of Tet, they have taken advantage to infiltrate into the capital, Saigon - and into Gia Dinh and Cho Lon. They have also attacked in the provinces of the 3rd and the 4th Tactical Zones to destroy infrastructure and public utilities. However, thanks to the rapid reaction of the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces, they have been completely and humiliatingly defeated. (1968) On the reverse side reads: Herewith are the casualty rates of us and the enemy: Period: 30-01-68 - Our causalities 282 killed and wounded. Enemy 2,338 killed on the spot, 182 captured. Period 1-02-68 - Our soldiers: 203 killed and wounded. Enemy 2,617 killed, 198 captured. Period 2-02-68 to 12 midday: Our soldiers 211 killed and wounded. enemy 2,112 killed, 119 captured. Summary: Our casualties: 706, Enemy casualties 7,561. Enemy weapons captured: 144 crew-served weapon; 2,253 individual weapons.
TONG KET TINH HINH CHIEN SU TRON 3 NGAY - VUA QUA TREN TOAN QUOC - A Summary of the war situation in the country over the past days: On one side there is information in Vietnamese and on the reverse side the information is in a table format.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, terry michael collie, 2790361, lunar new year, central vietnam, saigon, gia dinh, cho lon
Return to your families. They miss you and yearn to be near you. Reverse: Friends - Return ! Your families need you. They worry about your health and happiness. They know that you will die if you don't pay attention to their pleas. the Government also desires your return. Contact soldiers of the Republic or your nearest government officials. You will be well treated. You and your families will be helped immediately that you return to the National Government. don't delay any more - return immediately !!
Return to your Families. They miss you and yearn to be near you. Picture of sad family on front. Vietnamese writing writing on back.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, terry michael collie, 2790361, the royal australian regiment
On the reverse reads: Hay Lam Theo Sau Day De Tro Ve Chanh Nghis Quoc Gia. We urge you to doe the following to return to the National Government.
We urge you to return to the National Government. To the right of the information there is a photo of soldiers on one side. On the reverse side of the pamphlet the writing is in Vietnamese.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, terry michael collie, the royal australian regiment, 2790361, national government
Cac Ban Chien Si Ben Kia Chien Tuyen Hay Chu Y - Attention Soldiers on the other side of the Battle Lines. On the reverse there is a photograph of NVA/VC bodies "en Masse" with small test.
Photo of NVA/VC bodies en-masse with text in Vietnamese, and on the reverse side the information is also in Vietnamese.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, terry michael collie, 2790361
Who caused such destruction of housing in the first days of Tet Mau Than (Tet 1968) ? The Viet Cong.
Dear Comrades :Who caused such destruction ? Two images of destroyed houses. TET 1968 ? The Viet Cong
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, terry michael collie, 2790361, tet mau than, tet 1968
Bon Viet Cong Va Be Lu Se Khong the Ton Tai Duoc Tren Phan Dat Nay - The Viet Cong and their gang will bot be able to survive in this land. On the reverse there is a sketch of a VC on a road facing GVN soldiers, aircraft and armour.
On the front reads:Bon Viet Cong Va Be Lu Se Khong the Ton Tai Duoc Tren Phan Dat Nay with the details under the heading in Vietnamese. On the reverse side there is a sketch of villager facing GVN Soldiers, Aircraft and Armour. With writing on back.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, terry michael collie, 2790361, the royal australian regiment, gvn soldiers
Pamphlet contains three sketches of patrol, ambush and sea mines. The reverse is identical but the quality of the sketches are poor.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, viet cong, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment, terry michael collie, 2790361
The Government promises 10 things to rallier on reverse picture of mother thinking of her deceased son. and four line poem.
The Government promises 11 things to rallier on reverse picture of mother thinking of her deceased son. and four line poem.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, nva/vietcong, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment
The Government Promises that each rallier will receive 11 items. Picture of boy on a buffalo on back. "Ralliers will be completely free to build a new and happy life with their loved ones. Picture is torn on one side.
pamphlet, psycological warfare, propaganda, nva/vc, nva/vietcong, terry michael collie, 2790361, 7th battalion, 1st battalion, the royal australian regiment