Historical information

This is the emblem of EMU (Experimental Miltary Unit) who were officially known as Royal Australian Navy Helicopter Flight Vietnam (RANHFV). The unit was formed in 1967 and integrated into the US ARmy 135th Assauly Helicopter Company until 1971.
The February 1969 RANHFV Report of Proceedings contained the first reference to the unique unofficial badges worn by the men of the 135th AHC. It stated:
"In an endeavour to boost the morale and unity of the Company, the Commanding Officer offered $25 and a 3-day pass to Vungtau for the designer of a new Company Crest and NAMAE Hughes’ entry won the competition. It is a very impressive combination of an anchor and US Army wings in a laurel wreath with USA-RAN inscribed in a scroll above the motto; GET THE B... JOB DONE written below".
A further reference was made to the badge in the 16 May 1969 Royal Australian Navy "Navy News", which ran a story on the emergence of this unique badge that has become synonymous with the unit and remains so to this day.
Source: https://seapower.navy.gov.au/ran-helicopter-flight-vietnam-history

Physical description

A blue cloth badge with white wings above a gold anchor with the number 135 is in the middle of the wings in white with red and white stripes underneath. On the anchor in red is the word EMU. Above the wings in red is USA RAN. At the bottom of the badge in white letters are the words Get The Bloody Job Done

Inscriptions & markings

Get The Bloody Job Done