Historical information
All teachers named below photograph.
Physical description
Colour photograph with 3 rows of teachers. The sign in front reads Nott Street Primary School Staff, Feb - 1986
- education - primary schools,
- nott street primary school,
- nola jones,
- sandy bassoukos,
- patricia mccormick,
- marie jones,
- dawn powell,
- biffy coghlan,
- karen o'donnell,
- diane milne,
- anne warne,
- tikki braun,
- erika anders,
- rae benaldo,
- joan owen,
- lynne gerloff,
- ruth burgess-smith,
- robyn ready,
- soraya christensen,
- gaynor whitlaw,
- asadeh steer,
- fiona farley,
- shirley heller,
- eve tothpal,
- lucia okuliez,
- vincent maskell