Historical information

Bruce GOOLEY is a graduate of Melbourne University and a researcher, presenter and self-published author with a special interest in maritime history. He is a volunteer tutor at the Hawthorn University of the Third Age (U3A). He has presented over 120 one and a half hour illustrated maritime history talks there, and has also presented to Provis and Historical Societies, and has documented these talks in book format.

Bruce was a member of the Mornington Yacht Club for more than 50 years and owned and raced yachts in Port Phillip Bay, and Bass Strait, and has crewed on yachts racing to Vanuatu and around the State of Hawaii and cruising in the Beagle Channel.

He is also a member of the Melbourne Maritime Heritage Network and he has presented several papers to them.

Physical description

Digital video recording of PMHPS meeting held on 27 September 2022.

Bruce GOOLEY presents "Men and Ships Driven by the Wind"