Historical information

This photo is part of the Fred Griffith Photographic Collection.
Frederick Charles “Fred” Griffith was born in Albury, NSW on 2 March 1910. He was one of the pioneers behind the development of Falls Creek and an inaugural member of the Albury Ski Club.
After a serious work accident, Fred retired in 1985 and moved to Rosebud, Victoria where he died on 19 August 1992.

A Bogong ski team travelled to the South Island, New Zealand in 1950 and raced in the Wigley Cup, becoming the first Australian club team to compete in New Zealand. The trip was organised and the team was coached by Toni St Elmo and Tom MItchell.


This image depicts an important step in the development of Falls Creek and the sport of snow skiing in Australia.

Physical description

A collection of black and white photo depicting the Bogong Ski team of 1950.
