Physical description

Black and white print of four W2's lined up outside the old Preston or Thornbury depot. Tram Nos 632 (no marker lights), 537, 354 and 428. The three trams with marker lights are showing "Special", 632 "CITY". Printed on Kodak paper.

270.1 - front view

270.1 - side view

Possibly 632 has been stored at the depot and has been brought out for the photograph.

Date could be late 1970's - Reg Item 271 has been dated 1979 and is taken at Thornbury and printed on the same paper and same size of another W2.

2nd copy of each added from donation of Geoff Warburton 9/10/17.

Inscriptions & markings

on the rear in ink " "Old Preston depot Thornbury"