Physical description

Set of pamphlets associated with the Metcard rollout and one Metcard ticket issued on 16/12/1996 on route 75.

The envelope from the donor notes first Metcard (auto ticketing) and Associated brochures.

.1 - Five folded to DL size - full colour pamphlet - "The Met is changing - automated ticketing is coming to your neighbourhood! - explains how the system works, purchasing of tickets and their use.]

(Second copy added 3/12/2016)

.2 - four fold to DL size - full colour pamphlet - "Metcards are on sale today at selected retail outlets" - providing on information on the purchase of Metcards and a map with associated addresses of outlets along route 75.

.3 - single DL size sheet - black and white - explaining full field trials on route 75 and the use of Metcards.

.4 - small pocket size 6 fold full colour sheet explaining how the Metcards could be purchased on the trams and validated.

.5 - Metcard No. 00383158 - with the Metcard logo, The Met logo, validated at 1242pm on 16/12/1996.

.6 - five fold DL - as for .2, for tram routes 3,64, 67, 78 and 79.

.7 - five fold DL - similar to .1, more general document.

.8 - 3 fold DL - "Everything you need to know about automated ticketing in three words" - What, When and How - explains Metcard. Could be a very early pamphlet.