Physical description

Foolscap Manila Folder titled "PCM Tram Equipment" with the following papers secured with an Arnos binder. Many of the documents seem to have been copied onto heat sensitive paper. Have tissue paper separating them.

1. Wiring Diagram - GE PCM Control Equipment - R4284B.

2. Westinghouse - Load test on Repair Railway Motors

3. Letter to Chief Engineer MMTB from Australian General Electric - 23/7/1935 - re delivery of 15 cases of PCM Equipment by ship and attaching drawings.

4. Drawings and maintenance notes for above - includes field shunts, magnet valves, cases,

5. GE Specification Ry-5313 - General Electric PCM Control for 4-40HP 600Volt Motors with Shunted Fields

Inscriptions & markings

On rear cover in ink "To Norm Cross"