Book, British Electrical Development Association, "The Case for Electric Road Passenger Transport", early 1950's

Physical description

Booklet - 20 pages, printed on off white paper, centre stapled within a grey cover slightly larger than the printed document, titled "The Case for Electric Road Passenger Transport". The title is printed on both document covers. The title is contained within a embossed area on the grey cover.

The document looks at the case for electric transport in road use, both trolley buses and trams, current developments, including PCC cars, traffic problems, Europe, financial, passengers, reserved track, health and cleanliness. Not date, early 1950's? - has a reference to a 1951 public transport conference on page 5.

On the rear page states "Issued by the British Electrical Development Association" of London.

Inscriptions & markings

"4K1" in ink on front cover and AETA stamp top of cover. AETA stamp and PR Officer 14 Kenaway St, Tusmore F3111" (Tusmore is in Adelaide).

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