Physical description

Model of Melbourne tram W5 (actually a SW5) No. 812, electric model, made by Cooee Concepts Pty Ltd in China. Model packaged in a wooden packing case with a red felt base, contained within a card board outer case. The card board cover or case has a printed sheet giving details of the model and the history of the W5 Class tramcar. The wooden case has a brass plate detailing the contents. Scale 00 or 1:76.

Model made from plastic and metal, with operable lights and motors with operable trolley poles, swivelling bogies, destination of St Kilda, showing route 16. Headlights function in the direction of travel.

Package has manufacturing date of 2008 printed on it. Contains a plastic cover strip, plastic holder for the tram, plastic lift out strip, a printed Certificate of Authenticity, No. 335 of 700 and a folded sheet giving instructions for the use of the tram on a model tramway - up to 15V DC.