Physical description

Research Report titled - "Melbourne electric Tramways - Gunzel Notes - a timeline of the Melbourne Electric Tramways", 94 A4 unbound pages, secured by a fold back clip. Gives a summary of the periods between 1884 and 1904, 1904 to 1920, 1920 to 1983, 1983 to 1997. Has appendences for route numbers, tram allocation, depot lists, trams sold to Ballarat, Bendigo or Geelong and Preserved track. Index note an appendix for track maps but not within document.

Has been scanned into two pdf (unsearchable files) pages 1-49 and 50-96 - see image files.

See also Reg Item 715 for a similar document published by the ARE in 1997.

See - accessed 1-11-2016

Prepared by Don Storey

See also Reg item 2922 for another version of the depot allocation lists.