Ephemera - Ticket/s, The Met, Set of four Metcard tickets, 2000

Physical description

Set of four Metcard tickets, used during 2000. Has the Metcard logo on it, along with other Metcard, information. Only one of the tickets appear to have been used.

.1 - Metcard for the Melbourne International Comedy Festival - March 30 to April 23 2000, with a MetCard machine looking at a passenger. Cartoon by Matt Golding. Ticket used on 6 Oct. 2001 - Weekly full fare ticket.

.2 and .3 - ditto, but not used, one with a Metcard machine presenting flowers to an ATM and the other a Metcard machine following a passenger onto a train. Still partly joined as a strip.

.4 - standard Metcard ticket, with number MA3 - 2 Hr full fare zone 1 + 2, unused.

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