Physical description

Magazine, published by the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Victoria "Met Lines" (Metlines) - A4, printed on white gloss paper, with the MTA logo or symbol. Issued under the name of Kevin Shea as Chairman.

Continues from Reg Item 1086 "Met Lines" - printed in an A4 version.

Major tram and bus items listed. Tramway names only listed, not railway.

.1 - Vol 3 - No. 1 - April 1987 - 20 pages - (See also Reg item 981 for more detail) - -Tramway Bowls Association, Melbourne and Metropolitan Transit band, Transporting Art featuring trams 731, 816 and 721 along with a photo of David Larwill working on 722, and painted trams co-ordinator , Wendy Miller and "20 million Americans see Melbourne and its trams" - a story about the NBC USA, breakfast broadcast on 4/2/1987.

(further items of this volume to be sourced - they may not have been any??)

For next volume - see Reg Item 1142.