Magazine, Engineers Australia, Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia" - Vol 6, No. 10, Oct. 1934, "Metropolitan and Provincial Tramways", Oct. 1934

Physical description

Journal or magazine - stapled pages approx. 100 printed on semi gloss paper, with glue outside cover, titled Journal of the Institution of Engineers Australia" - Vol 6, No. 10, Oct. 1934 - Special issue - Melbourne Centenary Celebrations 1934 - 1935.

Contains transactions of radio frequency, institution and related activities, and 100 years of Engineering in Victoria. These include maps of Victoria and Melbourne, Engineering Education (Kernot), Metropolitan Roads and Bridges by J. Noble Anderson City Engineer of Richmond, Country Roads and Bridges, Railway Development (VR), Metropolitan and Provincial Tramways (Strickland and Russell), Port of Melbourne, Outer ports, air transport, water supply, sewerage and drainage, gas industry, electricity supply, communications (telephone and telegraph), industrial development and mining.

Has ads for British Insulated cables, Thompsons Engineer, Goodyear, GEC - British General Electric, Associated General electric, Vickers and many other companies.

Photocopy of article from the Bob Lilburn collection.

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