Physical description

Set of two newsletters, printed on A4 sheets, produced by Rank and File workers, non union Executive, workers to note concerns that they considered the union executive was not following.

.1 - Two A4 sheets stapled in the top left hand corner, dated June 1986, covers job reduction, maintenance workers, conductors, Essendon, Kew and a BBQ planned to be held on June 15.

.2 - folded A3 sheet, with an introduction of the newsletter, dated Feb. 1992, covers issues with the Executive, Kew depot, unions, ATMOEA, tram routes, disability and actions of the Executive. Two copies held. Second copy added 18-4-2017, from Lindsay Bounds in addition to first donation - receive 8/4/2017.

See also Reg item 2962 and 2963 for other similar documents.