Physical description

Tramway Inspectors table holder - two sheets of Perspex with a ruled card between them held with an elastic or rubber band. Use by Inspectors to hold headway cards which they hand wrote out to suit themselves and their method of monitoring services. Inspector's would use a soft pencil on the Perspex sheet to mark off the services as they past their monitoring point. Normally the card would be used to note the suburban terminus departure time, city arrival time, their monitoring point, eg a junction, and other major points. They could also record crew change overs for meals and with other trams on them and what runs their next did.

(Advice from Peter Winspur 24-3-2016)

Five additional blank copies of the cards from a donation of Kevin Tierney added 5/8/2016.

Addition blank card from donation of Gavin Young added 22/12/2020.