Physical description

Set of 12 foolscap photocopied sheets, titled "Destination Screen Printing" - lists the destination for each depot and the positioning on the roll. Copied by John Prideaux 9/2/1988

1 - Preston depot

2 - Glenhuntly Depot

3 - second sheet for above

4 -Malvern Depot

5 - South Melbourne Depot

6 - Brunswick Depot

7 - Essendon Depot

8 - Kew Depot

9 - Camberwell

10 - Decorated car - Preston, North Fitzroy, Kew - roll 1

11 - Decorated car - Essendon, Brunswick, South Melbourne - roll 2

12 - Decorated car - Malvern, Camberwell, Glenhuntly - roll 3

Inscriptions & markings

On the top sheet "Preston Workshops Paint Shop Data - "Destination Screen Printing" on the top edge of the first sheet and "copied 9/2/88" on the bottom right hand corner of most sheets.