Physical description

Set of 33 Notice Paper or Meeting Agendas - sent to Trust Members and others for The Melbourne Tramways Trust for period March 1884 to Feb. 1885. Printed by Ferguson and Moore for the Trust. Signed by the Secretary. Covers construction arrangements, appointments, financial, loans, debentures, legislation, arrangements with the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Company and other organisations including banks.

Notes are the principal items shown in the Orders of the Day. Printed by Fergusson and Moore

Meeting No. Date Notes

1 14/3/1884 Appointment of Solicitor, E. G. Fitz Gibbon interim Secretary

2 21/3/1884 Appointment of Solicitors and Bankers

4 4/4/1884 Confer with MTOC and appointment of an Engineer. Signed by Hugh T. Jordan as clerk.

6 18/4/1884 Consider different routes, elect a Works Committee

7 25/4/1884 Confer with Mr. G. Duncan.

8 2/5/1884 Report from Legislative Committee, appointment of Mr. Duncan as Engineer to the Trust. 2nd copy has handwritten note regarding confirmation of the appointment.

9 9/5/1884 Consideration of amendments to the Act.

10 16/5/1884 Authorisation of borrowing of #500,00 and appointment of a Secretary.

11 23/5/1884 Finance report.

12 30/5/1884 Meet with deputation to have Lygon St line extended to Brunswick and payment of accounts.

13 6/6/1884 Applications for Secretary, and petition for Lygon St extension.

14 13/6/1884 Legislative committee report

15 20/6/1884 Advance to MTOC and assist bill through Parliament

16 27/6/1884 Works committee report. Signed by T. Hamilton as Secretary.

17 4/7/1884 Payment of accounts, including G. Duncan and office accounts.

18 11/7/1884 Construction of one line of tramway and another attempt for the Lygon St tramway again.

19 16/7/1884 Reduction of debenture interest rate to 4% and paying for cutting down of Swanston St.

20 1/8/1884 Interest fixed at 4.5%, accounts, construction of Richmond line, and meeting dates.

21 15/8/1884 Payments to MTCo re cost of original Acts.

22 29/8/1884 Sealing of Debentures to England, and accounts

23 5/9/1884 Re amendments to Bill for Tramway Act and payment for patents.

24 19/9/1884 Accounts, overhang of tramcars, completion of tramways.

25 26/9/1884 Tenders for works, finance report, payment of MTT expenses by MTOC.

26 10/10/1884 Works committee Report – copy in file – payments of accounts and recommend acceptance of Duncan’s plans and Richmond line by public tender.

27 Special 20/10/1884 Letter from MTOC re possible delays in the Bill – additional Branches bill.

28 24/10/1884 Finance – debentures now in England, appointment of H. Jordan as Treasurer and accounts.

29 7/11/1884 Works committee and accounts, purchase of cement, letter from Mr. Pyman re rejection of petition.

30 21/11/1884 Shows chairman’s name – Thomas O’Grady, approval of plans etc for the Richmond line.

31 5/12/1884 Works committee, accounts, payment to Mr. Pyman, purchase of equipment and engines for the Northern lines and appointment of an inspecting Engineer in England. Queries from England re sufficiency of the guarantee on the debentures.

32 19/12/1884 Finance Committee report – accounts.

33 9/1/1885 Finance and works – accounts, tenders for cement etc, appoint of an inspector of works, authorise plans for Brunswick, Fitzroy and Spencer St and Collingwood and Nicholson St.

34 23/1/1885 Finance and works – accounts, report on tenders.

35 6/2/1885 Committee reports, accounts, land purchase, appoint of Mr. Carruthers as inspecting Engineer in England – 1% of value of work.

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