Physical description

Report - 42 pages, 3 sections, stapled on the left hand edge, titled "Report of the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into and report upon the Railway and Tramway systems on Melbourne and Suburbs" - dated 1911.

Looks at the state of the Suburban rail system, finances, electrification's, costs, evidence of Mr. Merz, advantages of the electrification, power supply and standards, whether AC or DC, duplication, Glen Iris line, conclusions and recommendations.

Tramway - summarises the current tramways operating, cable system and operational stats, the current tramway systems, other cities, relative merits, future tramways for Melbourne, operational speeds, use of cable conduits for electric traction, conversion, municipal control , control of the tramways by the railways, a general scheme, formation of a larger tramway trust and its management, purchase of the cable tramways and recommendations.

Note: This document is available as a pdf on the Parliament of Victoria website.

2nd copy added 2-1-2019 from donation of Norm Cross.

Inscriptions & markings

In ink in the top right hand corner "TB"