Physical description

Photocopy of Report - 32 foolscap pages - titled "The Prahran and Malvern Tramways Trust - Report and Statement of Accounts for Twelve Months ending 30th September 1918".

Gives listings of Trust Members and Officers, lines opened, Rollingstock, power supply problems, Finance, Operation and General matters, statistics, finance statements, balance sheet and Auditors Report. Appendices includes the Engineers and Manager's Report, Statistics, accounts, funding, auditor reports and maps. Also covers concession fares for soldiers, purchase of tyre, battery maintenance, traffic at Victoria St bridge, Honor boards, arbitration and land for a storage site.

Lists names of Employees who volunteered for active service, including those who volunteer but did not pass the medical test.

Audited by Percy P Cook.

See htd2389i2.pdf for the listing of those who served in WW1

Inscriptions & markings

Has the stamp of the Tramway Museum Society on the rear of the first page.