Physical description

Newspaper Clipping - set of three clippings adhered to both sides of a sheet of ruled quarto paper with punched holes on the left hand side - various newspapers.

.1 - "Tram Lines" - full page - from Melbourne University newspaper - Farrago - Friday April 11 -1969 - Titled "Tram Lines" with a photograph and story of MMTB Driver Cyril Tucker, Kew Depot, written by John Steed. Cyril joined the MMTB in 1922. Gives Cyril's thoughts on being a Trammie, notes the issue of the "scabs" - Tom Pesteranovich and Brooker (see Reg Item 2561). Has two photos and a cartoon sketch of the front of a tram.

.2 - "Let's get rid of trams" - Letter to the Herald 11/4/1969 - written by David Crowther - Beaumaris - about trams cluttering the streets - got rid of even in Brisbane. Has a photograph of a tram stuck in traffic in Toorak Road.

.3 - "Brisbane Trams Farewell" - Herald - 14/4/`969 - notes closure of Brisbane tram system. Quotes former Transport Minister Mr. Meagher that twice as many buses would be needed.

See also Reg Items 2562 and 2693 for further items on this industrial matter.