Physical description
Report - set of seven bound volumes titled "Report of the Chief Engineer on his tour of America and Europe 1957". Each volume, contains foolscap stencil duplicated sheets with some folded drawings and many pages of photographs. Each volume has a printed title sheet, table of contents bound with glue end sheets into a green and black leather hard cover. Each set of sheets have been sewn into the volume with cut sheets to allow for folded drawings and photographs. Each volume has the MMTB name, logo and report title in gold block on the front and on the spine. The spine has the volume number as well.
1 - Report Vol 1 - Introduction, Architectural and Civil Subjects
2 - Baltimore, Birmingham, Blackpool, Boston, Brussels, Cleveland, Copenhagen, \Detroit
4 - Glasgow, Gothenburg, Hamburg-Berlin, Liverpool, London
5 - Los Angeles, Manchester, Milan, Montreal, New York, Philadelphia
6 - Rome, St Louis, San Antonio and San Francisco
7 - Stockholm and Toronto.
Dated report 30 June 1958.
Photographs generally taken by Ken Hall who accompanied Mr Eakins on the tour.
See Reg Item 4522 for additional prints of the Scandinavian Section of the trip.