Physical description

Set of 8 drawings, prints from original VR drawings of the Victorian Railways Sandringham Railway station, tram depot, bus depot and alterations between 1921 and 1958.\

.1 - VR Sandringham to Black Rock, Electric Street Railway – Car shed at Sandringham – Locality Plan – shows car depot layout, substation, track location for both the railway and tramway, including the platform, goods shed and coal stage. Not dated. Consists of two sheets of paper joined in the middle – 420H x 1210W. Minor creases at end of rolled sheet.

.2 - Drawing 1907.21 - Sandringham car shed proposed extension – with note “Not carried out” – dated 2-8-21

Second copy has stamp – Drawer 2, Folio 1, plan 2 in bottom left hand corner. 480H x 630W

.3 - Sandringham Station – station layout showing proposed extension to passenger platforms for both 7 and 10 car trains, buildings shops as the southern end of the yard, rail and tramway tracks, streets, dated 12.2.1923. Drawing 582.22. 420H x 590W.

.4 - Locker Room for Bus Drivers – plan 264-46, dated 2-5-1946, 295H x 420W.

.5 - Shower for Bus Drivers, Plan No. 815-50, dated 15/12/1950, 295H x 420W. Has a note on the drawing – “not carried out”.

.6 - Tramcar shed – Site Plan – Entrance Gates – shows conversion arrangements of the depot from trams to buses, including entrance way gates. Plan 456-56. 295H x 420W.

.7 - Conversion of sub-station into New Amenities Block - plan number 51-57, dated 22.2.1957 - Detail architectural drawings for the above work. 295H x 420W

.8 - Conversion of sub-station into New Amenities Block - plan number 51-57, dated 22.2.1957 - Detail architectural drawings for the above work. 295H x 420W.

.9 - Proposed Improvements to Bus Depot - Plan No. 455-52 - not dated. 420H x 595W