Physical description

Report - approx. 90 A4 photocopied sheets, within a green cover preprinted for "The Met", titled "Wattle Park" containing many documents concerned with the history of Wattle Park and its status legally within a black comb binder.


1 - Map

2 - two page letter from Tom Roper Minister for Planning and Environment to Jim Kennan Minister for Transport dated 22/11/1988.

3 - two page history

4 - two page extract from the Nov - Dec 1966 issue of MMTB News

5 - 23 pages - handwritten "Notes of Address on early history of Wattle Park given by A. J. Holt to the Box Hill Historical Society Nov. 1986.

6 - 10 page extract of the Act authorising the HTT to acquire the land and extracts from Hansard

7 - 4 page letter by the Office of the Solicitor to The Met Property department 1/12/1986 about the use of the land and charging fees for its use.

8 - 15 page legal advice re the use of the land and its permitted uses.

9 - 13 page follow up advice by P. N. Wikrama dated 20/6/1989

10 - 6 page photocopy of the certificates of title.

Each section separated by a green sheet.