Physical description

Set of 18 MMTB decimal currency tickets. Some tickets have notes or advertisements on the rear as noted. If not noted, all printed with black ink on coloured paper with black numbers.

1 - 4c - printed on grey paper - H622901

2 - 5c - pink paper - Ag 655536

3 - 5c - pink paper over printed with a Red P, A 483403 - with pencil note "Tues Sept 4 1973, tram 1041 City to St Kilda Beach (route 15), (? (special?) ticket)

4 - 6c - orange paper, A 640184

5 - 6c - off white paper, blue ink over printed in black City Section, A442365

6 - 7c - purple paper, Bf 359635

7 - 7c - off white paper, purple ink over printed in black City Section, Va 832278

8 - 10c - off white paper, purple ink over printed in black City Section, An 004421

9 - 9c - red ink on yellow paper - Ab 578298 and Ac 599462.

10 - 12c - brown ink on off white paper - Nos. Bp584102, Bb852548, and Ag 018787 with an ink note on rear "W2 517, Sat 12 Dec 1966 Camb Junct Bickleigh St about 7.25am"

11 - 15c - yellow paper, F888649 and 885726 with "641" in ink on the rear.

12 - 22c - green ink on yellow paper, Aj 566434 with "369" in ink on the rear.

13 - 30c - red ink on off white paper - Af 387807

14 - 45c - on off white paper. An 711259