Physical description

Leather Correspondence Satchel with associated materials consisting of:

.1 - Leather Correspondence satchel made from brown leather, sewn on the edges with two flaps that could be reversed with two metal plates riveted onto each flap giving the destination of the bag, two metal rings to enable the bag to be secured and a leather carry handle on one side riveted to the bag.

Metal plates - brass - "Traffic Manager Head Office" and nickel plated "MMTB Hawthorn".

2 - Padlock and Key - Lockwood Australia brass with steel hasp engraved "MMTB Hawthorn", key stamped "Hawthorn 1220". Received with a brown string noted through the key - retained.

3 - Two steel metal pins used for securing larger correspondence satchel - see article written by Dean Gilbert about the correspondence procedures at MMTB Head Office in 1979 - htd3000i7 where the bag for "Northcote bus depot" (Northcote Bus Workshops) is shown in a photograph.

4 - Paper tag brown card with a reinforcing ring, print item "3/585", headed "Melb & Met Tramways Board", written to go "Essendon" in pencil and "Not Required at Essendon and bag returned". This item found inside the bag with a piece of light brown string. See image i8

Article by Dean Gilbert 2018 refers to procedures for the handling processes of these bags.

Items packed within two cardboard folders.