Physical description

Newspaper clipping titled:

“Clang, Clang – All Aboard for Frustration”

The Sun, Wednesday 7 July 1976

Day 3 of a Sun special by Michael Wilkinson

New orange trams aren’t popular with passengers. Automatic doors closing, one entrance, queuing for tickets from seated conductor, overheating are some of the problems. Getting off through the only exit door can also be a problem.

41 new trams are now in service, costing $200, 000 each against original budget of $130K each. Critics of the “Z” class trams say the body design works in Sweden but not here.

Cost savings against old green trams which have to be serviced daily, whereas Z class are serviced monthly. Fare evasion reduced as 98% of passengers now pay.

679 trams in fleet dating back to 1921. 440 (64%) made before 1940. Older model brakes have to be adjusted daily, costing over $5M per year.