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Newspaper clipping titled:

“Millions in bonuses despite repeated train, tram delays”

Newspaper clipping from the Age 4/1/2019

Transport reporter - Timna Jacks

Photo of tram travelling under rail bridge

Yarra trams awarded $1.26M in bonuses (potentially up to $5.5M) despite failing to meet on-time performance targets 5 times. Failed to meet its new 82% punctuality target (up from 77%) in 5 of past 12 months. Fined more than $300K in penalties.

Both public transport operators won 7 year contracts in 2017.

Tram route 86 has lowest punctuality (75.1%), more than 6500 services short shunted (7.5% of all services).

Government says tram performance has improved overall due to tougher targets.

Customer surveys show 15% drop in complaints to Yarra Trams.

Trams - least punctual:

Route 86 - 75.1%, route 70 - 77.5%, route 75 - 78.9%

Trams - most punctual:

Route 82 - 91.1%, route 78 - 89.5%, route 57 - 86.6%

Trams - worst for short shunts:

Route 70 - 8%, route 86 - 7.5%, route 16 - 7.3%